I have Artist’s Block. I am s Surface Pattern Designer who’s fresh out of new designs. And though I would never ask for Artist’s Block, it’s not altogether unwelcome.

The last time I had Artist’s Block, it ended up being a really productive experience. I decided that if I couldn’t come up with any good repeating patterns anyway, I could use the time for something else. Instead of drawing designs, I could do an in-depth color study. So I downloaded a coloring app called Pigment. It had pre-made color palettes, or you could build your own. The ready-made palettes were a little more my speed. Even putting together a decent color palette took more creativity than I had to spend. I was on empty.

Making the Most of it

I ended up finding a whole bunch of free Mandala designs to color. After a couple weeks, I realized, “Hey, I can draw Mandalas!” And so I did. I started sharing my Mandalas with other people who were there to color. It was a neat little community, super supportive. Eventually, I had enough Mandala designs I was able to self-publish a Mandala Coloring Book on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Mandalas-Coloring-Book-Talia/dp/B0B7CR66F7/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2OV7PAZ09BM1G&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.9peRNH9GAbM1IUhOwhTlJg.FkOKfhWk-1scdujCTyym1SYa3ulQQ1OMWkzm_6_eGK4&dib_tag=se&keywords=Talia+Starkweather+coloring+book&qid=1723780211&sprefix=talia+starkweather+coloring+book%2Caps%2C173&sr=8-1 By the time the coloring book was complete, my creative batteries had recharged. I was excited and able to get back into Surface Pattern Design. Artist’s Block had worked out in my favor.

Hello, Artist’s Block

So here I am. Creatively kaput and playing with color again. Only this time, I’m using Lisa Glanz’ “Colour Palette Creator”. https://www.designcuts.com/product/colour-palette-creator-tutorial-for-procreate/ It’s a fresh way of looking at palette building. Lisa has broken palette building down into a step-by-step process that doesn’t demand a lot of creativity. I’ve been working on it a few days now and have eight or ten great palettes ready to use. If only this Artist’s Block would be on its way…. I’d really love to get back to Surface Pattern Design.

Here is a palette I built this evening. I started with Lisa’s process and then refined it a little and formatted a layout so that you can see all of the color combinations. Now if only my creativity would come back.

A color palette that Talia designed that should make a great floral pattern once her Artist’s Block wears off.
This color palette will make a floral pattern once the Artist’s Block wears off.