There was a deadly landslide in my hometown of Ketchikan, Alaska four days ago. The devestation is terrible. I am safe, My family is safe. A City worker, called in on his day off to clear out storm drains, lost his life. His coworker suffered multiple broken ribs. I...
It’s 3:47 AM. I can’t sleep. I have insomnia. At least it’s late enough in the year that it is still dark outside. If this were June in Alaska, it would be daylight by now. Birds would be singing. And I love nature as much as the next Alaskan girl, but let me tell...
Trust the Creative Process
I still have Artist’s Block. But I’m not letting that stand in the way of the creative process! Take this new Bold Floral print I completed this morning. It looks like it took a lot of creativity, doesn’t it? Here’s a little secret: This one is all process. I finished...
Artist’s Block
I have Artist’s Block. I am s Surface Pattern Designer who’s fresh out of new designs. And though I would never ask for Artist’s Block, it’s not altogether unwelcome. The last time I had Artist’s Block, it ended up being a really productive experience. I decided that...
- Edna on Trust the Creative ProcessI love those colors!