My name is Talia Starkweather. I live in Ketchikan, Alaska. I’m an artist. I make the kind of designs you see on fabrics and wallpaper, where the designs repeat endlessly in all directions. I’ve done drapes, sheet sets, blankets, pillow cases, table cloths, tea towels, t-shirts, art prints…. I’ll put up some examples of my work and some links to the websites where my artwork is sold.

But that’s not all that this website is about. This, for instance, is my Blog where I talk about stuff related to my design process and whatever else seems worth sharing. I’m sure I’ll be talking about Alaska a lot. I do in real life.

Proudly Alaskan

Both my husband and I are Alaskans from our very core. I’ve tried living other places. It just doesn’t work. He has, too. Alaska is home. We were both born and raised here, which, as a great meme says, makes us unfit to live anywhere else. We met in Fairbanks at the University cafeteria. Our story is convoluted, with lots of starts and stops and cliffhangers. It’s at least a blog post to itself. Lol, more like a few! Spoiler Alert: We’ve given up on parting ways. That doesn’t work any better than taking us out of Alaska. We’re stuck here. With each other. And we couldn’t be happier about it.

A Sky as Big as Alaska

Last night, the sky was clear. We live in the part of Alaska that still gets a few hours of darkness every night, even on Summer Solstice. And there had been solar flare activity all week, so my husband and I went outside around midnight to see if we could see any Northern Lights. While there weren’t any lights out then, we did see the Big Dipper at the top of our hill, so big and so close seeming that we could have reached out and grabbed it. It was absolutely brilliant.

The Big Dipper, Alaskan Style
The Big Dipper, Alaskan Style